Saturday, December 8, 2007

a rant, of sorts.

I've created an unbearable situation.

I'm in love with someone who cannot love me the way I need him to. We've been together so long that I have no idea how to be without him. And yet, a part of me knows that I should be on my own, learning about myself. I just can't get myself to leave him. He says he loves me, but he has too many other things going on in his life to be there for me every time I need him. I understand this and try to accept it, but I'm hurt constantly. I just want him to show me that he loves me completely and entirely. I show him everything that I do, I'm thinking of him. I try three times harder than I normally would to make up for his lack of attentiveness. Or something like that. Honestly, I have no idea what to do now. I hate ranting when there's a possibility that someone will see this and think I'm just some whiny little girl. (Is that really how you spell "whiny"?)

I guess I'm using this thing more than I thought.

Until next time.

1 comment:

RiddlersMoon said...

Are you really sure it's love...? Sounds like you might be afraid to go it alone. Look anyone can say the words..actions are the tell. Maybe if you backed off a bit and gave him his space he might realize how much he truly cares.
In the wisdom of my years,I've found that sometimes when a guy has a girl that will give him everything he could ever want, he wants the one that ignores him. Remember, men are preditors by should always keep them on the hunt, or they lose interest. Make him work for it for awhile, hmm?