Personally, writing isn't like a job for me, it's just a part of life. Not to romanticize it or anything, but it really is as essential as breathing. Obviously, I don't do it quite as much, but if I don't write frequently, my head feels like it will explode. Actually, what happens is I have a sort of J.D.-from-Scrubs-like moment, and begin to think in a narrative-style. That's when I know I have to go write something down, or I'll just keep narrating everything. And it's really hard to hear what other's are saying when there's this monologue in my head overshadowing what's around me. I guess that's why I chose a field of study that involves writing. Why not do what I love/have to do, and get paid for it? And now-a-days, people actually get paid to blog. Imagine if I got paid to do this? I would write a whole hell of a lot more, that's for sure.
Speaking of money, I really can't keep writing anymore, as I have a lot to do before a job interview this afternoon. Too bad it's not related to journalism at all...